Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ba-ad-ke Day!

The day I decided to skip 3 lectures ,is the day I chose to bake Brownies!!!
Actually , a cakey brownie! :(
*Lesson to learn : never bake your mood out of it!! *

Presenting the cakey-snowie-gooey brownies:)

I decided to sprinkle some icing to cover the cakey brownie taste.
Making it looks frosty ;) * its still winter here in moscow *


I feel that , baking is therapeutical, but indulging it is so sinful !

I hope all the calories run up to my brain.
I need loads of memory power for my topan exam tmw :(

What should I do with the empty plate??

Hiding it in the bookshelf sounds like a good idea ;)......or NOT !?

Craving for more, I decided to top up!!

Whooop whooop.... with an extra volume of creamy choco topping :):)
* calculating the total calories I ingested :( *

Finally, I finished everything :)

and yes, now I'm just too bored coz tmw is TOPAN exam :'(

signing out... boo bye :P

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