Saturday, March 26, 2011

Farts and Burps!

Hands up if you never ever farted or burped in your life!!
if your answer is yes,

please do not continue reading.

if your answer is no,

you can proceed with the following text :)

These are the following details that you need to know :

Fart is one of the oldest words in the English vocabulary. Its Indo-European origins are confirmed by the many cognate words in other Indo-European languages: It is cognate with Greek πέρδομαι (perdomai), Latin pēdĕre, Sanskrit pardate, Avestan pərəδaiti, French "péter", Russian пердеть (perdet') and Polish "pierd" << PIE *perd [break wind loudly] or *pezd [the same, softly], all of which mean the same thing.
The immediate roots are in the Middle English words ferten, feortanor farten; which is akin to the Old High German word ferzan.
Fart has been used to name cocktails, an example being a 'Duck fart', playing on the humorous reference to flatulence—an example of toilet humour. It has also been used in the term 'fart sack', military slang for a bed or sleeping bag.


Burp involves the release of gas from the digestive tract (mainly esophagus andstomach) through the mouth. It is usually accompanied with a typical sound and, at times, an odor.typically caused by swallowing air (aerophagia) when eating or drinking and subsequently expelling it, so in this case the expelled gas is mainly a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen.

* these informations are taken from wikipedia.

and yes,

you just wasted a couple of minutes by reading this post :P

In fact, everyone farts and burps.

so, the next time when someone farts or burps in front of you,
Pls excuse them! :)

time to get back to reality .. boobye :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The journey

In life , we always have to face the ups and downs.
when facing trials, whether they are allowed by God or sent by God, they are the means for the development and refinement.


people around us makes who we are, we are not ought to choose them,


we can choose who we want to be!

I choose to treat others.


if you found someone that you love,

hold them tight
grow together :)

I found mine! ;)


If I were to describe about my life in one word,
that would be,


I found the colors of my life :)


we all have only one life to live.
we are given a choice to paint the journey of our life
how are you gonna paint urs?

for me,

its all about,


signing off...xxo

Monday, March 21, 2011

Winter no more :)

If you live in country like Russia,
cold winter is something that you shall not miss!

It begins from november and lasts till the end of march.* very very long period*

As much as i dislike the subzero temperature
* imagine the icy road , my fingers and toes that are going numb and walking through the deep, thick snow is simply just 'adventurous' * ,


I shall say that it is still pleasant season.
Of course it is not as beautiful as the spring but it has its own charms.

Here are some pics taken randomly on one fine evening while i was walking back home from class :)

* its pre-winter time ,so you can't see that much of snow as in peak winter period*

Amy and Elya

My baby with his multi purpose backpack :):)

the road taken ;)

stranger on the street

view from my room

Last but not least, I am looking forward end this freezing cold season with a change in myself,

A warmer heart <3
A wider smile :)))
goes a long way!

boo bye ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Burning the midnight oil ;)

As medical students, burning the midnight oil becomes a routine.

why is that so?

Simply coz we have too many things too study and way too little time.


everyone has an equal share of time --> 24/7

What's the problem then?

1- When we have overloaded stuff to study with very VERY limited time.

2- When our caffeine supply runs low.

3- When our brain tends to wander to dreamland.

Ironically, Albert Einstein said: the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination!


I think I can, therefore I am!

CNY 11

What does CNY means to you?
for me,
Its all about spending time together with my family.

That made me fly all the way back home from Moscow,Russia
distance doesn't matter when we know that blood is thicker than water :)

First things first ,

Reunion Dinner- my favourite part of CNY besides getting angpau ;)

Chefs: mum and dad :):)

What does the obedient kids do then???

* we are not spoilt kids! *


We HELP to eat .. ;) * clap clap *

As usual, mum and dad cooked our favorite dishes and we finished it all in no time :D
*made them really happpy*


Comes Ang pau time :):):):)

I'm on top of the world!! *hoping for Mega Ang Pau*

Not forgetting,

~Family Potrait~

Yeah, my grandma ROCKS!!

At the end of the day, we are children of our parent.

and I'm a daddy's girl.

We make them proud
most importantly is to LOVE them!!

Ba-ad-ke Day!

The day I decided to skip 3 lectures ,is the day I chose to bake Brownies!!!
Actually , a cakey brownie! :(
*Lesson to learn : never bake your mood out of it!! *

Presenting the cakey-snowie-gooey brownies:)

I decided to sprinkle some icing to cover the cakey brownie taste.
Making it looks frosty ;) * its still winter here in moscow *


I feel that , baking is therapeutical, but indulging it is so sinful !

I hope all the calories run up to my brain.
I need loads of memory power for my topan exam tmw :(

What should I do with the empty plate??

Hiding it in the bookshelf sounds like a good idea ;)......or NOT !?

Craving for more, I decided to top up!!

Whooop whooop.... with an extra volume of creamy choco topping :):)
* calculating the total calories I ingested :( *

Finally, I finished everything :)

and yes, now I'm just too bored coz tmw is TOPAN exam :'(

signing out... boo bye :P